The FCS Financial Rural Community and Agriculture Foundation recently granted $5,000 to the Fairfax Volunteer Fire Department in Atchison County to purchase grain bin rescue equipment.
Agriculture workers are at high risk for fatalities and injuries. Technology has increased the speed of production and harvest as well as decreased the need for additional labor. As bins are filled during harvest, grain bin entrapment becomes top of mind.
“There are several large grain bins sites in the Fairfax Fire Protection district,” says Dee Duering, Fairfax Fire Department Volunteer. “Having grain bin rescue equipment ready and available may save a life someday.”
The FCS Financial Rural Community and Agriculture Foundation represents the cooperative’s long-term commitment to a thriving and prosperous agricultural industry and our rural communities. The Foundation focuses on targeted, long-term investments.
“It takes only five seconds to become trapped in a grain bin,” says David Janish, FCS Financial CEO. “FCS Financial is committed to supporting our rural communities and safety is one of our top priorities. We hope the grain bin rescue system is never needed; however, we are proud to be able to provide the funds so the Fairfax Fire Department is now prepared for a rescue.”
Additional information and an application are available on our website or by emailing