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Meet Our People

FCS Financial is governed by a 15-person board. Of those, 12 are elected by the stockholders of FCS Financial. Additionally, the board appoints three directors. The board meets monthly and provides overall direction to the organization’s leadership. Learn more about how to become a board member.

Leadership Team

Rob Guinn
Robert Guinn
Chief Executive Officer
Serving FCS Financial customers for more than 30 years
Raised on a farm in southwest Missouri
Jeff Houts
Jeff Houts
Executive Vice President, Chief Operations Officer
30+ years experience in ag and commercial lending
Raised on a century farm in northwest Missouri
Chad Roberts
Chad Roberts
Chief Marketplace Officer
20+ years banking experience
Rick Krueger
Rick Krueger
Chief Financial Officer
20+ years in the Farm Credit System
Dennis Hunsberger
Dennis Hunsberger
Executive Vice President/Chief Information Officer
25+ years experience with the Farm Credit system
John Bandy
John Bandy
General Counsel
20+ years experience as a corporate attorney
Jason Kirchner
Jason Kirchner
Chief Risk Officer
17+ experience leading teams in the audit and risk functions
Matt Huster
Matt Huster
Chief Credit Officer
20+ years ag lending experience

Supporting the future of farming

Over $1.5 million given to local 4-H and FFA organizations

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NMLS #: 761836

Equal Housing Lender