FCS Financial, Missouri’s largest agricultural lender, announced it will return $37 million to its member-owners in cash patronage for the 2024 calendar year. This significant return underscores the cooperative’s commitment to sharing its success with the nearly 27,000 farm and ranch families it serves across Missouri.
“We are thrilled to return $37 million to our members this year,” said Robert Guinn, FCS Financial CEO. “This return is a direct result of the cooperative model, where our members are also our owners. Their success is our success, and we’re proud to reinvest these profits back into the hands of Missouri’s hard-working farm and ranch families.”
To celebrate this achievement and show appreciation for its members, FCS Financial will host Member Appreciation Day at each of its offices on March 18, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Patronage checks can be picked up at Member Appreciation Day, attendance is not required for members to receive their checks.
Following this year’s payments, FCS Financial will have returned more than $329 million in cash patronage to its members since its inception. Patronage payments are based on a member’s loan business activity with the association. Each eligible member’s patronage check will be available for pickup from March 18 through March 31 at the FCS Financial office where their loan is serviced. Any checks not distributed by the end of business on March 31 will be mailed.
Contact your local FCS Financial office at 1-800-444-3276 or visit myfcsfinancial.com for more information. Under “About Us,” you will find a link to the Patronage Program.