FCS Financial Rural Community and Agriculture Foundation presents $5,582 to to the Novelty Plevna Rural Fire Department to purchase a rescue bin harness set.
The FCS Financial Rural Community and Agriculture Foundation recently granted $5,582 to the Novelty Plevna Rural Fire Department to purchase a rescue bin harness set.
The department previously purchased the rescue tube and training through donations of local farmers. As harvest time nears in Missouri, the grain bin rescue system ensures the safety of the department’s volunteers if a rescue operation is needed. Additionally, the areas serviced by the department have an added sense of safety for their rural communities.
“This grant allows us to purchase harnesses, slings, ropes, descenders and carabiners for our grain bin rescue bin tube,” say Ben Bradley, Novelty Plevna Rural Fire Department volunteer. “There are numerous large and small grain bins in our area. If someone were to become trapped in grain, several of our fire department members are trained for grain entrapment rescue. Time is of the essence in a grain entrapment situation and our department will now have the proper rescue harness set readily available.”
The FCS Financial Rural Community and Agriculture Foundation represents the cooperative’s long-term commitment to a thriving and prosperous agricultural industry and our rural communities. The Foundation focuses on targeted, long-term investments.
“National Farm Safety and Health week occurs in September and is a good time for producers to think about grain bin safety since it takes only five seconds to become trapped,” says David Janish, FCS Financial CEO. “FCS Financial is committed to supporting our rural communities and safety is one of our top priorities. We hope the grain bin rescue system is never needed; however, we are proud to be able to provide the funds so the Novelty Plevna Fire Department is now prepared for a rescue.”
Additional information and an application are available on our website or by emailing marketing@myfcsfinancial.com.
Left to right: Dan Devlin, FCS Financial Director; Byron Harder, Fire Department Volunteer; Randy Doss, Fire Department Volunteer; Jacob Bryant, Fire Department Volunteer; Connie Kuhman, FCS Financial; Kathryn Whisenand, FCS Financial; Kent Franke, Fire Department Volunteer; Stanley Bowen, Fire Department Volunteer; Sadie Barnes, FCS Financial; Ben Bradley, Fire Department Volunteer; Debbie Ragsdale, FCS Financial; Jason Doss, Fire Department Volunteer; Dave Janish, FCS Financial CEO; and Randall Smoot, Fire Department Volunteer.
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